What is the best way to make combat armor using nanotech carbon fibers?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

For my independent component I would like to construct an apparatus that I could measure force and energy on .  I was thinking of something along the lines of a battering ram.  Since I am TRYING to figure out a way to do my project on Nanotech, which has a lot of shock resistant compounds to it, I think it would be appropriate to test other objects' resilience.

It would take much time in order to put together the battering ram. To document and record my time i would save receipts from the equipment needed and estimate how long it would take to create on part of the apparatus.  The time needed to put it together to the point of it actually being functional and effective would cover most of my time requirement.  Then there is the actual testing of the machine on different objects.

This study would relate to my EQ because of it all ends up coming down to the molecular make up of the objects being tested.  Whether the bonds within the object are strong or weak will compare to that of Nanotech bonds is what will tie it to my EQ.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds really neat. Please keep a journal and document with photo and video.
