What is the best way to make combat armor using nanotech carbon fibers?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fourth Interview Questions

EQ(as of right now): What is the most effective use of nanotechnology?

1.What is the most effective use of nanotechnology?
2. Where do you think nanotechnology will take the future?
3.What about buckyballs makes them such a significant factor in science?
4.Would you say there is any chance of nanotechnology drastically revolutionizing society?
5. In what ways would you hope to see the effects of nanotechnology benefit society?
6. What would it take to produce graphene on a large scale?
7. Which industry in the world do you feel is most important to advance in the techonological field?
8. What specific fields do you know of are in need of nanotech advancements?
9.  Do you think nanotubes will eventually replace wires in general?
10.  From your experience, what can you say is the full potential of carbon?
11. Out of thermal, electrical, and tensile properties of carbon, which do you prefer the most?
12.  Does the fermi surface or copper even compare to that of carbon?
13. What would be the most beneficial use of nanotechnology at themoment?
14. In the future?
15. What do you think about the whole "elevator to the moon?"
16.  Do you believe nanotech could really help colonize the moon?
17.  What resources can be replaced by carbon nanotubes/graphene sheets?
18.  Would you say the military using this type of nanotech is potentially a bad thing?
19.  What other tools, other than the Raman tool, help contribute  to the production of graphene?
20.  Should we expect technology to go nano within the next decade?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

1) There are these magnets called nanodots.  They are very strong magnets that can be formed into almost anything. Somehow, I would like to use these in a way that could help me accomplish my independent component.  My problem is, what am I going to do with magnets for 30 hours?

2) Oh it won't.  At the moment it just sounds good and fun. I believe if I used the magnets to some purpose that could give me a better understanding of quantum physics, then I would be able to utilize my expertise to benefit my 2 hour.

3)Purther and I are still in discussion as to what my EQ needs to be changed to.  So, at the moment, my idea has doesn't have a direct connection with my EQ.  Hopefully in the future its relevance will be more apparent.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1


a) I, Alex Kemnitz, affirm that I have completed 18 hours of my Independent component.

b) I have not completed the total 30 hours due to not having started until just a few weeks ago.  I plan to complete the 30 hour requirement in another 2 weeks. For my Independent component I have been taking two free online courses at MIT Open Course Ware. One class is a single variable calculus class, the other is a Physics course on the classical mechanics and the different applications in the world around us.  The math class supports the material being used in the other, so it is necessary to take both. I try to watch and notate at least two lectures a night, except for Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I work on the assigned problems for each course on the following day after the lectures, then follow up with another two lectures.


In regards to my topic, my work so far is helping me get a better understanding of the mathematical use theory behind what's going on.  The graphs that appear on microscope and the units things are calculated in are all explained.  I feel this shows hard work because of the pure fact that I am not receiving any credit for these classes.  They will help me to get a step ahead in the future, but for the moment I am not gaining anything more than knowledge.


EQ: What is the most effective use of nanotechnology?

So far, all this information has informed me what exactly to look for when I'm answering my EQ.  The theory and mathematical properties that are explained have helped me to be more thorough when I look at a possible answer.


One of my possible answers is body armor.  The mechanics of physics course has helped to look into the laws of force and the specific units going on in a bullet colliding with a nanomembrane. The calculus helps to receive an in depth understanding of the digits being thrown around and how it is applied in an actual situation; an example of this would be turning a surface into a geometric grid and focusing on that specific area with the other factors that are involved: force and resistance.

Grading Criteria:

  • Log Calendar
  • Evidence of 30 of work:  I am having technical difficulties with my scanner.  I will try to get the scans of my work and notes up this weekend.