What is the best way to make combat armor using nanotech carbon fibers?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fourth Interview Questions

EQ(as of right now): What is the most effective use of nanotechnology?

1.What is the most effective use of nanotechnology?
2. Where do you think nanotechnology will take the future?
3.What about buckyballs makes them such a significant factor in science?
4.Would you say there is any chance of nanotechnology drastically revolutionizing society?
5. In what ways would you hope to see the effects of nanotechnology benefit society?
6. What would it take to produce graphene on a large scale?
7. Which industry in the world do you feel is most important to advance in the techonological field?
8. What specific fields do you know of are in need of nanotech advancements?
9.  Do you think nanotubes will eventually replace wires in general?
10.  From your experience, what can you say is the full potential of carbon?
11. Out of thermal, electrical, and tensile properties of carbon, which do you prefer the most?
12.  Does the fermi surface or copper even compare to that of carbon?
13. What would be the most beneficial use of nanotechnology at themoment?
14. In the future?
15. What do you think about the whole "elevator to the moon?"
16.  Do you believe nanotech could really help colonize the moon?
17.  What resources can be replaced by carbon nanotubes/graphene sheets?
18.  Would you say the military using this type of nanotech is potentially a bad thing?
19.  What other tools, other than the Raman tool, help contribute  to the production of graphene?
20.  Should we expect technology to go nano within the next decade?

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